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Schlicht, Annika

Annika Schlicht(Berlin, Germany)

2024–25 Season: Brangäne, Tristan and Isolde; Soloist, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

Recent and Upcoming: Brangäne in Tristan and Isolde (Deutsche Oper Berlin); Adriano in Wagner's Rienzi (Berlin); Fricka in the Ring cycle (Berlin, Stuttgart State Opera, Bregenz, Ravello Festival, Cologne Philharmonic, KKL Lucern); Waltraute in the Ring cycle (Berlin); Magdalene in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Berlin, Frankfurt Opera); Fenena in Nabucco (Berlin); Mrs. Quickly in Falstaff (Berlin, Hamburg State Opera); Prince Orlofsky in Die Fledermaus (Berlin); title role of Carmen (Berlin); Hänsel in Hänsel und Gretel (Berlin, Royal Opera House Muscat); Sesto in La Clemenza di Tito (Bergen National Opera); Page of Herodias in Salome  (London’s Royal Ballet and Opera, Berlin State Opera); Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde (Austria, Santa Fe); Mahler's Third Symphony (Dresdner Philharmonie); Mahler’s The Boy’s Magic Horn (Edinburgh Festival); Igor Kuljerić’s Croatian Glagolitic Requiem (Munich, Zagreb); Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Brussels Philharmonic)

Ensemble member of Deutsche Oper Berlin